Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

Mung Bean Pudding Recipe


     * 250 gr green beans, soaked overnight and steamed until tender
     * 1000 cc of thick coconut milk
     * 250 gr sugar
     * 150 cc egg-white
     * 2 packs for white
     * brown food coloring
     * salt to taste


     * Boil all happy except the green beans to boiling
     * Beat the egg whites until thickened
     * Enter the material that has been boiled into the beaten egg whites
     * Enter the green beans
     * Prepare the mold and then wet with water until evenly
     * Take some white dough and put into pan as the base material
     * Insert some new chocolate dough and white dough
     * Last insert the chocolate batter on top.
     * Chill in refrigerator
     * Serve after hardening.

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