Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

Recipes White Fruit Cake


     * 220 g butter
     * 300 g sugar
     * 4 egg yolks
     * 4 egg whites
     * 60 g mixed peel
     * 100 g currants
     * 150 g candied cherries
     * 300 g raisins
     * 180 g plain flour
     * 60 ml orange juice


     * Beat butter and sugar until smooth.
     * Add egg yolks, beat well.
     * Enter your fruits and orange juice and stir well.
     * Add flour and stir well.
     * Beat the egg whites until stiff.
     * Enter into the batter and stir well.
     * Pour into a baking dish, smooth.
     * Bake in the oven to 180 C for 30 minutes.
     * Remove and let cool.

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