Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Fill in Rice Balls Smoke Meat and Dried Fruit

One dish that has a unique flavor. Stuffing bacon and dried fruit make delicious savory taste. Suitable served as a breakfast menu or lunch for the baby. To get around the effectiveness of your kitchen equipment, use Tupperware Simply Red as a solution.
Category Cuisine: European cuisine

Estimated Preparation Time: 10 Minutes

Presented To: 3 People

250 grams of white rice
50 grams of liquid margarine
50 grams onions
25 grams garlic
100 grams of bacon
50 grams of dried raisins
2 tablespoons flour
2 egg yolks
100 grams of bread
   Pepper and salt

Processing Method:

1. Heat TChef Fry Pan and cook briefly onions, garlic and bacon with margarine. Enter the results into the Tupperware Modular Bowl.
2. Add the raisins and dry wheat flour into a Tupperware Modular Bowl,
mix until evenly and shape into balls.
3. Grate the bread by using Tupperware Maxi Handy Grater
4. Insert 2 pieces of egg, pepper, salt into a Tupperware Quick Shake. Whisk until blended.
5. Combine rice, grated fresh bread and beaten egg into the Tupperware Modular Bowl. Stir well and make a circular sheet. Fill the sheet with the meatballs, then wrap up to form a ball.
6. Enter the rice balls into beaten eggs.
7. Sprinkle with bread crumbs, then fried until golden and cooked through.
8. Pick up and ready to serve.

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