Senin, 13 Juni 2011


Raw material / spice seasoning:

             175 grams margarine
       160 grams caster sugar
       50 ml honey
       3 egg whites
       4 egg yolks
       190 grams cake flour
       15 grams cornstarch
       50 grams of red cherries, chopped
       50 grams of green cherries, chopped
       100 grams of pear, cut into pieces

Processing mode:
1. Soak red cherries, green cherries, and pears in 4 tablespoons of rhum. Let stand 30 minutes.
2. Beat margarine and caster sugar until smooth. Add honey. Beat smooth.
3. Add the eggs one at a time alternately with the majority as he sifted flour and mix evenly.
4. Add the remaining flour and cornstarch and mix evenly as he sifted.
5. Enter the immersion of fruit. Mix well.
6. Pour into baking pan tulban diameter of 7 cm, height 2 cm of dioles margarine.
7. Oven 20 minutes with a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius.

For 18 pieces

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