Jumat, 03 Juni 2011


Wow, cheese cake! Who does not like the soft cake with cream cheese this. Can you make this cake delivery for special occasions.

Processing mode:

    1. Preheat oven to 190 degrees celsius.
    2. Sponge: Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy. Add flour, cocoa powder, and baking powder as she sifted and mix evenly.
    3. Pour into round baking pan 20 cm, height 3 cm who dioles margarine and covered with paper. Oven 20 minutes until cooked.
    4. Cheese cake: Beat egg yolks and half the sugar until smooth. Add lemon juice, lemon peel, flour, milk, nutmeg powder, and salt. Mix well. Pour cream cheese, stirring evenly.
    5. Beat the egg whites until fluffy half. Add remaining sugar, beat until fluffy.
    6. Spoon the cream cheese mixture and stir well.
    7. Pour over sponge cake. Oven 1 hour. Chill and enter in the refrigerator before it is cut into pieces.

For 12 pieces

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